
Dallas Girl Gang

01.- Objective



Madison was invited to host a headshot networking mixer for female entrepreneurs in Dallas to come get some updated content for their social media and get to know other creative women.


02.- Strategy



We wanted to make sure that everyone at the mixer felt like they were part of a tight-knit community. We encouraged attendees to form lasting connections and support networks beyond just the event. To spread the word and get more people involved, we went all out on social media. Our platforms were buzzing with posts, engaging with attendees, and reaching a wider audience. Plus, we gave female entrepreneurs a chance to shine by providing a platform for them to showcase their awesome products, services, and business ideas. It was a win-win situation because attendees got to discover new resources, find potential partners, and gain exposure for their ventures. The whole atmosphere was super supportive and uplifting!


03.- Result



We sold out the event and were able to provide 12 wonderful female small business owners with gorgeous, high quality headshots for their social media, and made some great friends along the way!


RēBalance Physical Therapy


Heart Centrix + Code Report